Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Trailer

The best inter-species foursome you'll ever be a part of

(Video courtesy of

Look past the fact that this trailer is essentially a giant ad put together by bioware (hosted by the marketing director himself) and feast your eyes on the potential awesomeness of multiplayer in Mass Effect 3. Looks like the developers have been listening to the players pleas, and are in fact adding a co-op storyline to the final installment of the Mass Effect trilogy. I for one could not be happier about this. Just think of all of the awesome combinations you could put together when you combine four of the six classed into one squad. Not to mention I can play as a Turian now. Garrus was always my favorite. 

This has the potential to be a great addition to Mass Effect 3. Knowing Bioware's reputation for putting out really well done RPGs, I trusted the person being interviewed when he said that you can still get a full, satisfying ending from the game if you play the multiplayer or the single player story. And since I'm sure that I'm not alone in the countless hours of time I've poured into the first to games of the series, I know that I'll be taking the time to complete both branches of the story. 

While some actual multiplayer gameplay would have been nice to see, I'm sure some will be coming out in the not too distant future. Does this multiplayer announcement excite or dismay you? Leave it here!

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