Saturday, October 15, 2011

Star Wars: The Old Republic - "Signs of War" Trailer

The force is strong with this one

Yes. Yes yes yes yes. I want it now. It was cool to see some characters from the former trailers appear in this one, which makes me hope that they will have active roles in the game as NPC's, kind of like a Thrall sort of thing (yes, I know that's and outdated WoW reference but I just really like Thrall).

Anyways, we see a lot of the different classes that will be filling this game and there will be definite distinctions between how they look, especially between the two factions. There were quite a few worlds featured as well, and I can't wait to explore them. And if they have an epic large scale battle like the one in the trailer, I very well might never play another game ever again.

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