Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Uncharted 3 "Desert Village" Gameplay Trailer

I can show you the world...

I'll start this off with the fact that I don't own a PS3 and I've never played an Uncharted title, or seen one being played in person for that matter. Good thing I just look at trailers. The first thing I took away from this four minute preview was the level of detail in such a simple setting. The desert has never looked so good and you can tell that Uncharted 3 is going to push the PS3's capability, which is impressive on its own. The village looks old and worn from its location, and the camera moves with the same urgency that Drake does.

We open on Drake struggling over a dune and discovering said village, and he seems to be beaten up pretty badly. Desperately climbing and falling through the seemingly abandoned town, he finally comes across some water that is undrinkable. He climbs out of the cave, busts through a door, and lands smack dab in the middle of a bunch of guys that don't seem very happy to see him. 

From that point on, Drake seems to forget that he was barely clinging to life just seconds before, and turns into freaking superman. He runs wild through the area he fell into, taking at least 300 bullets without slowing down. He beats, shoots, and blows up everyone around him seemingly without breaking a sweat. Strange transition, but at least the action was enjoyable. Uncharted is one of the few reasons I would consider getting a PS3, and this trailer makes Drakes new adventure look as epic as ever.

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