Friday, October 21, 2011

Soul Caliber V: Character Reveal Trailer

Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do?

I've never been a huge fan of fighting games, especially the Soul Caliber series, but this trailer may have just changed the game up. SC always loves to bring in one character that isn't actually from the series (Link, Spawn, that old dude with who was lame and didn't even have a freaking weapon) but this character reveal is the best one yet. That's right SC freaks, the newest unique character that will be available to you will be... drum roll please... Ezio freaking Autidore. 

This is a great choice by the Soul Caliber team. With all of the hype surrounding Assassin's Creed: Revelations, why not play off of the excitement? With the exception of Vader and Yoda, this is the best outsider Soul Caliber character to date. They better make him as badass as possible.

Who would you want to see in a Soul Caliber game? Leave it here!

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