Saturday, October 15, 2011

Syndicate "Origins" Story Trailer

A history lesson, from 8-bit to 1080p

This was a unique approach to a trailer, but I really liked it. Not many people (including me) knew that the upcoming Syndicate is actually a modern adaptation of an old 8-bit game, and the first half of this trailer caught us all up to speed.

The last half shed a little bit more light on the story itself, namely the corporation that our protagonist (which I'm still not really sure if he's good or bad) works for. Its name is Eurocorp and it sells militarized technology, which makes the parts where you were extracting data chips from dead scientists brains make way more sense. You're employed by Eurocorp to essentially steal information from the other corporations with the help of your partner/mentor who had a really awesome looking sniper rifle.

Between this trailer and the original gameplay one that was released, I'm starting to get very interested in this game. Seems like this was a good call for a reboot, now let's just hope it can follow through.

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