Friday, October 28, 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Origins Story Trailer

Won't you feel like a man dressed up like Peter Pan?

Finally, a trailer for this game that actually peaks my interest. My only complaint about the trailer is the song. What happened to the classic Zelda tune? It almost feels like it's not a true Zelda title without the theme song being played at every possible moment. This music just... doesn't feel right. A petty complaint, but still one that bothers me enough to write it down.  

Also, ten points if anyone can tell me what youtube cover the subtitle is from! 


  1. these are so poorly written... what is the point of this website? why would i want to read your uninformed opinions? i think i'll continue to go to if i want to watch trailers...

  2. Everyone's entitled to their opinions! Also, thanks for looking at the blog anyways and drawing more attention to it by commenting :]

  3. Your Facebook post actually brought me to your site. The tune from the trailer uses the notes from Zelda's Lullaby reversed as its motif, so it's not completely untrodden ground.

    I'm actually sick of sequels blatantly reusing music to go the "safe" route. If I had a nickle for every variation of the Super Mario Brothers theme that I have heard across the million or so games that feature Mario, I would probably be able to put a sizable payment down on my student loans. With that in mind, the music from the trailer is refreshing.

    Plus, I'm happy that they are FINALLY using an orchestra for the music in the game. For Twilight Princess, they only bothered recording a single orchestrated theme, and used synthesized music for the rest of the game. Now it will feel like a real epic adventure, like it should!

    The main composer for the game is Hajime Wakai, not Koji Kondo (who has arguably composed just about all of the classic Zelda tunes that people remember, let alone his work on the Mario series and countless other classics). Koji Kondo is only on board as a supporting composer. In terms of "Zelda Experience", Hajime Wakai has only composed music for Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. This will be his first time as lead composer on a Zelda game. Given this and the unique impressionistic art style of the game, I am not surprised that it sounds so different!

    November's gonna rock.

  4. John, you rock, and thank you for enlightening me to that awesome piece of Zelda history. Bravo.

  5. I'm just a fountain of useless information.

  6. Dear "Anonymous" criticism, anyone can sit on their butts all day on their worn Windows laptop, eat fried foods, and criticize other people's works, though it takes some real talent to create your own website, like the Trailer Jockey, and give out your own information and opinions about games as you like. If you don't want to read tidbits of personal gaming articles, go to another site, make your own, or shut up. Now you can go to any generic game site with their paid uncreative employees, telling you what you want to hear, but this is one guy giving his personal stories and input essentially makes these articles exciting! Maybe just a bit more on the essentials of the main points of the game, but other than that, well done!

  7. dear defensive "anonymous," i do, actually, have my own game site—and i don't go to "generic game sites with their paid uncreative employees, telling me what i want to hear." i prefer game sites with intelligent, well-written articles on games, like and i have no interest in reading "personal tidbits" coming from a guy who has no interesting opinions on games—i can read the same generic opinions on forums, and they're about as well-edited, too (just check out the very first sentence of this article to see "peak" being incorrectly used in place of "pique"—and, sadly, there are errors like this one in almost every sentence on the site).

    and to the trailer jockey, no, haha, views to a website do not "skyrocket" because one person posts a negative comment on an article. but it's funny that one could be so insecure as to feel the need to claim as much!

  8. Well, good for you, why don't you go to your own game site and make it better (or should I say, good) instead of attacking other peoples game sites! You are entitled to your own opinion, but don't just comment to insult the Trailer Jockey! But it's funny that one could be so insecure as to feel the need to do so!
