Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Top Five Tuesday 10/4

My Top Five Super Smash Bros. Characters

My friends and I have been playing a lot of N64 as of late. Specifically, the classic Super Smash Bros. As we say there and argued about the best characters to use, I started to think about who my top five favorite characters to use are, spanning across every Smash that's been released. Now remember, these were my favorites to use, not necessarily the best of all time. And here we go!

#5: Link (Gamecube)

Link was honestly the only character that I enjoyed playing as on the gamecube version of Smash. The addition of his bow and arrow and airborne side smashes were huge upgrades from the N64 Link, making him a bit more accessible to my style of play. Add a little extra mobility and Link is my gamecube go-to.

#4: Captain Falcon (N64)

One word, spiking. I am such a fan of spiking I take every opportunity to hop off of the edge to the stage, try and hit a character down off the map, and attempt to get back on the ledge. I've died more times that I'd like to admit doing this, but nothing is more satisfying than a well executed spike. The captain was a master of this on the N64 version, and that's why I love using him.

#3: Diddy Kong (Wii)

I won't lie, I have a strange reason for loving Diddy so much. I have a severe peanut allergy, and Diddy has a peanut gun. That was literally the only reason I used him for the first time. Then I discovered that he can jump on peoples faces and perform airborne spikes. Not to mention his sideways B is like an extra jump when knocked off the stage. He's been my Wii backup character ever since.

#2: Sonic (Wii)

The only reason Sonic isn't number 1 is because of my longstanding relationship with my overall winner. But man, Sonic is fun to play with. He's easily the fastest character on the stage at any given time, and can definitely surprise with his power, especially with a side smash or an airborne backwards A attack. I may not get many KO's but I do damage, which is why Sonic is my Wii go-to.

#1: Mario (N64)

If you've ever played the OG Smash with me, you know that I go hard with Mario. Throwing is really important in the original game, and Mario's is one of the best. I don't consider myself a spam thrower, but an opportunist thrower. If you give me the daylight, you will be spinning in the opposite direction. This paired with a decent amount of agility and power makes Mario my favorite Smash Bros. character.

Who makes your top five list of Super Smash Bros. characters? How do you feel about my list? Leave comments with lists and opinions of your own!

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