Thursday, October 20, 2011

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Strike Packages Trailer

Something that everyone can enjoy

Finally, Call of Duty is making SOME sort of adjustment to their multiplayer. I'm not a bad COD'er by any means; I've never had my K/D ratio drop below 1.09 (ratio of kills to deaths) but my longest streak is not very impressive by any means. I'm a 2, 3, or 4 and out kind of player. This new Strike Package format makes me giddy to pick up the multiplayer again.

First and foremost: Kill streaks are no more. They are now "score streaks" which means anything that gets you points will get you closer to unlocking your next reward. This now makes playing any game that isn't deathmatch WAY more interesting because you'll be getting rewarded for flag captures, bomb plants, and everything else. There's a definite leveling of the playing field happening for the players that may be better operationally than with their guns.

The strike packages are split into three distinct classes: assault, support, and specialist. Assault is the classic COD outfit, all the score streak rewards are offensive, from turrets to missiles, to AC-130 airstrikes. Support is, well, all about supporting your teammates. This means advanced UAV, jammers, recon planes and much more. The most exciting part about support is if you die, your score streak doesn't reset. That's right, people like me who only get a few kills before getting their ticket punched have just as much opportunity to unlock their top tier score streak reward. 

The last package, specialist, is a whole different beast. As any COD player knows, you start with three "perks" or power-ups for your character. As a specialist, after two kills, you unlock a fourth perk. Make it to four kills, and another one unlocks. Rinse, wash, and repeat until you hit an 8 kill streak, and EVERY perk is unlocked for you, essentially turning you into a super soldier. Go ahead, take a second and let that sink in.

So that's the Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer as we see it so far. Excited yet? Leave your opinion of this format change here!

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