Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Top Five Tuesday: Grand Theft Auto V Locations

The best places to commit felonies over and over

So you must have heard by now that Grand Theft Auto V was officially announced today by Rockstar. The announcement came with a logo for the game (pictured left), which of course stirred up a gaggle of rumors about where the game will be taking place. We've seen fictional versions of New York City, Miami, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and San Francisco so far, is there something new on the horizon? We'll have to wait until at least November 2nd to find out, when the first trailer is set to be released. Until then, take a look at the five places I would love to see GTA5 take place. These aren't places I think Rockstar will actually choose, simply places I think would be awesome.

5. Chicago

Downtown Chicago
Chicago would be an awesome setting for the next GTA game. Chi-town as Kanye tends to say, has the best of both worlds. The very nice, very populated downtown area, and the rough and tough run for your life if you every end up there south side of Chicago. There's iconic landmarks such as the Sears Tower and Wrigley Field that GTA can make their playful stabs at. And it's on Lake Michigan, making the whole "city surrounded by water" a little bit easier to do. We talkin' 'bout Chi-town!

4. Atlanta

Downtown ATL
Ludacris once stated in one of his songs about the ATL, "see gangstas roamin', and parties don't stop 'till 8 in the mornin'". That is why Atlanta would be a really cool setting for the Grand Theft Auto series. It's in one of the more populated areas of the dirty south, and there's plenty of gang violence and racism to go around to fill up a video game that involves stealing cars and shooting people. Plus there's the CNN center, Georgia Dome, and the Georgia World Congress Center. Did I mention racism? Man, I love the south.

3. Detroit

View of the General Motors Tower
Why wouldn't you set a game titled Grand Theft Auto in the city with the highest amount of car-jackings in the country? I mean... the largest car manufacturing city in the country? But seriously, a GTA title set in Detroit would probably be the darkest one that they've ever made, if Four Bothers or 8 Mile taught us anything. It would also be cool to introduce a snow element to a Detroit-based game, making driving more difficult while opening up the ability to interact with the snow (GTA snowball fights? Yes please).

2. Washington D.C./Baltimore/Philadelphia

The Philly skyline
This is a very San Andreas based idea, but think of how cool this concept could be. Take DC, where there is a very definite drug and gang problem underneath the nation's capital and all other monuments that Rockstar would have a field day playing with. Then move on to Baltimore, the city that used to boast the highest murder rate in the country and the setting for The Wire, possibly one of the most badass shows in TV history. Then go north to Philly, where people are just generally jerks. An east coast San Andreas with the next generation console treatment is something that I would definitely be excited to play. If GTA has made it work with cities literally six hours away from each other, imagine how easy it could be when Philly is maybe three from DC.
The Inner Harbor in Baltimore
How fun would it be to drive on that?
1. Boston

Well this sure did make me homesick
Okay, call me biased. Got it all out? Good because I'm going to explain exactly why the Bean would be an amazing GTA setting. Boston is by no means a large city, but what it lacks in size it more than makes up for in personality. Go to Southie and run jobs for a character that all but mirror's Whitey Bulger. Head up to the North End and do favors for the Italian mob. Head down to Dorchester and Roxbury and see what kind of gangs you can mix yourself with there. Head even farther south to experience the Latino and Jamaican flavor of Jamaica Plain and Hyde Park. With Rockstars capability of creating a massively accurate city, we could see a Boston that extends up to Cambridge and Somerville, from Newton to Revere, and as far south as Quincy. Oh yeah, I can see you're interested now.

What do you think?

What cities would you want to see a Grand Theft Auto game take place in? Which one do you think it will actually take place in? Leave it here!

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