Saturday, October 8, 2011

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - "Redemption" Trailer

Captain Price is PISSED: A New Musical

Call me naive, but I just can't wait to get this game. I understand the Battlefield/COD argument. I understand that people are fed up with the COD games being essentially the same game wrapped in a different package. But seriously, it just looks so dang pretty. I don't care that there hasn't been much done visually between the games of the series, the story looks bigger than ever and I'm pumped to get my hands on it.

This single player trailer shows the world going to hell one explosion at a time. It starts with a voice over from our favorite Russian antagonist, Makarov, essentially saying that he's meant to cause a world war ever since day one. Getting over how messed up that is, Captain Price steps in to offer his own two cents, and he's promising to kick that Russian's tail up and down the globe.

From what I can see from this trailer is that we'll be fighting through multiple locations through the whole world in order to stop Makarov from blowing everything to hell. I noticed London, New York City, and the freaking Eiffel Tower getting blown to bits in the two minutes this trailer runs for, and that's only a preliminary sweep. Call of Duty promises World War Three, and that's exactly what we're going to get.

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