Friday, October 21, 2011

Blizzcon 2011 - Starcraft II "Heart of the Storm" Trailer

"Just trying to kill some bugs, sir!"

So when my teachers in college warn me about burning bridges, this has to be what they're talking about. The Terran screwed Kerrigan over royally in the first Starcraft, and now it's coming back to bite them in the butt. She's pretty pissed about the whole "leaving her to the mercy of the Zerg" thing, and she's not going to let her old comrades forget about it.

What's super impressive about this trailer is that it's all done using the in-game engine. It's amazing how far games like these can push the PC's ever evolving capabilities. The new units looked interesting and I can't wait find out more about them. And I'm super interested to see how the Kerrigan situation plays out. So Blizzard's one for two right now in my book, thank you for giving us a trailer that actually showed us some of the cool stuff that will be in the game.

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