Friday, October 21, 2011

Blizzcon 2011 - Diablo 3 "Black Soulstone" Cinematic Trailer

That time that the big demon tries to do something evil

Aren't cinematic trailers just so darn pretty? See, I'm forced to talk about how darn good this trailer looks because there's virtually nothing else in it that I can use to fill up space in this post. I know that it's super early in the game (no pun) for Blizzard to start revealing everything about the game, but for goodness sakes, the beta's been out for a while and there are even class overviews for everyone to see.

Enter Leah, she's searching for... something when all of a sudden these stone statues start coming to life and happen to be demons. The leader of said stone demons (which I assume to be Diablo, they don't actually say in the trailer) vows to bring his army to kick some serious normal people butt and to find the Black Soulstone, whatever that is, while Leah cries a lot.

Call me spoiled, but I wanted to see some more action and content in this trailer. It doesn't even really set up the story that well for people who have never payed either of the first two Diablo titles. Hopefully the next trailer will be better.

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