Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Ramblings

Sir, put down the television camera.

Good evening to everyone and welcome to round two of the Sunday Rambling series. Today I feel the need to ramble a bit about the never ending duel between Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3 and how it is literally tearing into everything I do.

Battlefield 3 comes out on the 25th and Modern Warfare 3 just released an epic trailer detailing the upcoming single player story. I have watched this trailer many times on my computer and even posted it on the Jockey site, but it's starting to creep into my social life. When I was at a Mexican restaurant tonight, I actually stopped the conversation to point out to my friend that the same trailer was on the TV playing behind us. I can't listen to any of my favorite hip hop artists anymore because all have their songs have been used in your trailers.

What I'm trying to say is, just stop these crazy marketing campaigns with one another and let your product do the talking. Or just come out sooner so I don't have to wait. But more importantly with all of this hype you're putting around yourself, know you've set the bar very high and we expect an almost perfect game out of you.

What do you think, are games advertised so hard that it makes the game seem disappointing in its shadow? Or are we just unhappy unless we have the perfect game?

(Photos courtesy of google images)

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