Friday, November 4, 2011

Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6: Patriots Target Gameplay Video

Well that was... wow

First of all, watch this whole video. 6 minutes and change might seem like a long time for any kind of first look gameplay trailer, but it's worth it. Classy move on the developer's part to release the target gameplay before some other (I assume) jerk does it, shows a lot of credibility from them. It should also be noted that the footage we see in the trailer is not what the real thing will look like, just what they wanted the concept to be like.

Despite this not necessarily looking like how the game will turn out, I have one word: wow. That was an intense six minutes, and I especially enjoyed being able to play from the perspective of the victim and the people who are supposedly keeping the innocent people safe. We don't know who this terrorist group is, or if they were even going to make this guy blow himself up when he got to times square. But the Rainbow 6 guys cut through the terrorists like a hot knife through butter and ultimately made a decision that saved more lives than it cost. 

The shooting looked smooth and tight, although I will say it looked like the sights on the sniper rifle had some magnetic properties towards the enemies. New footage for the actual gameplay can't come soon enough. 

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