Thursday, December 8, 2011

World Gone Sour Announcement Trailer ft. Method Man

What... did I just watch?

That's the question I think most people are going to ask themselves after watching this... well, it's called a trailer so we'll go with that. What the hell did I just watch? One of Method Man's homies busts open a bag of sour patch kids, sending them all over the room. Method Man essentially curses him out, then says that he's put them all in danger. Cue the beat, and he goes into a three minute music video all about the sour patch kids as they all slowly come to life. Apparently the candy is not that dangerous, they just like screwing around with the music levels and salt shakers.

My big question: why? Why is Method Man rapping about candy, is the business really that tough? Why is Capcom, of all companies, taking over a project like this? Why is a music video the choice for an announcement trailer, when it explains nothing more than there's going to be a game, and it will involve sour patch kids? The list can go on and on. Although I will take one positive away from all of this mess... those little gummies can really break it down. Holla.  


  1. i actually like this video! Method is a legend so that would explain why spk chose him 4 the ad. him and snoop dogg can endorse basically anything and make it good.

  2. sounds personal 2 me homey,cuz its clear they wanted to do something different with the campaign. way 2 go SPK!!!

  3. You know what, I should have specified a little bit more. As a video, I really enjoyed it. It was a catchy song and Method Man is a talented dude. It will definitely create a buzz for this game. I guess what I didn't get was... why SPK (as you put, nice acronym)? So I'm more confused/intrigued than anything else. I guess the trailer did its job.
