Thursday, December 8, 2011

Batman: Arkham City - Skins Pack DLC Trailer

Now the old guys can play too!

Two days ago, Arkham City fans were graced with an awesome downloadable opportunity. The Batman skins pack gives players access to  unique costumes that have graced the cape crusader since we first met him. This short trailer shows a whirlwind of ass kicking as 1970's Batman, Animated Series Batman, Year One Batman, The Dark Knight Returns Batman, Earth One Batman, Sinestro Corps Batman, and Batman Beyond. If none or almost none of those names ring a bell for you, then obviously this isn't something you should buy. But for you hardcore bat lovers out there, I can almost hear your cheers of celebration (right there with you).

Batman Beyond looks by far the coolest to me (I was just entering my teenage and therefore extremely impressionable years around the show's release) while Year One Batman looked, well, chunky. The funniest one is Animated Batman because he looks like a cartoon compared to the rest of the bleak, dark world that he has to fight in. Needless to say extra skins are a great addition to the game, and if you're a fan of the Dark Knight, then it will definitely be worth picking up.  

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