Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Max Payne 3 - First Trailer

Okay, before I start on this one, it just needs to be noted that this trailer is ENTIRELY in-game footage. That alone should get anyone super excited about this game. Rockstar always has a reputation for putting out games that are cutting edge graphically, and this one is no exception.

This trailer is classic Max Payne. Sad music playing as Max has inner struggles, drinks a lot, and shoots even more. I like the setting change, Brazil always seems to offer a unique and realistic environment whenever a protagonist ends up on the mean streets of Rio de Janeiro. You also get a basic overview of the plot: Max is hired to protect this family, apparently fails and the daughter gets kidnapped, then you shoot a ton of people.

What I didn't exactly enjoy was the fact that I saw Max punch a guy in slow motion then point his gun at the guys head twice. In two minutes. Please tell me there will be more to melee combat than that.

Overall, it's a solid trailer and Rockstar isn't in the business of putting out bad games, so it looks like we have another solid shooter on our hands here.

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