Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Assassin's Creed: Revelations - Extended E3 Trailer

Oh. My. Goodness. This is such an example of how good cinematic trailers can be. Sure, the game is never going to look this good when it's actually being played, but that's not the point. The point is the story that is being set up here, the combining of Ezio's and Altair's paths and the huge ending that this series is setting itself up for.

Ezio may look much older in this trailer, but he sure hasn't lost a step with age. Right from when he takes an arrow to the shoulder and pulls it out like a twig do you know he's about to do some serious butt kicking. He proceeds to commence said butt kicking until he is captured and all seems lost. The high point of the trailer is seeing the Eagle right before Ezio is to be hanged, and AC fan knows that he's about to escape and perform some death-defying leap.

The addition of the letter to Claudia adds so much more to this trailer (which was originally released at E3) and definitely sets the tone for the game itself. Color me excited.

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