Monday, September 26, 2011

Battlefield 3 - 99 Problems Full Length Trailer

This was epic. I won't lie, I hit the replay button a few times before fully gripping what I had just witnessed. This trailer promises two things, that there will be a lot of action and even more action after that. But in a sense we all knew that would be the case. This was a hard hitting, quick moving trailer with loud music and even louder explosions. There's a definite tone that is starting to be set, this game is going to be in your face at all times.

But here's the down point: the obvious shot that they take at Call of Duty by putting the slogan "Above and Beyond the Call". I felt it was completely unnecessary. To start, they're taking a page right out of COD's book by using a popular rap song in a game play trailer, and then pounding their chests like they've already defeated Goliath. Yes, the trailer was awesome and showed some really good action, and is way more intense compared to that Modern Warfare 2 trailer that I will put in the bottom of this post. I just wish they let the game do the talking, because in the end it's about the quality of the game that they put out.

What do you think? Was the ending slogan and unnecessary shot? Which trailer did you like better, MW2's "Till I Collapse" or Battlefield's "99 Problems"?

I give the better trailer award to Battlefield solely because of how much faster paced and intense it is (MW2 also gave away a LOT of story if you pay attention to it) but who puts out the better game is yet to be seen.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Launch Trailer

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on Battlefield. If half of what they showed was game footage, this will rock. And Battlefield has historically done a great job with vehicles on game and they give a great look.
