Thursday, February 28, 2013

Tomb Raider - Lara Croft Reborn Trailer

She is not. messing. around.

Talk about a trailer making a game look REALLY good. Appealing to multiple audiences with the narrative done by lots of "normal" people, we see how Lara Croft turns from helpless survivor to stone cold killer. Flaunting skills that Ezio would be jealous of, Tomb Raider seems to be a bit more violent than I had originally thought. This was a great spot, and fans of a badass lady kicking the crap out of people should give Lara a spin. No pun.

Tomb Raider
PS3/Xbox 360/PC
Release: March 5, 2013
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Crystal Dynamics

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel - Exclusive Action Blockbuster Trailer

Damn you, Michael Bay

I'm seriously blaming Michael Bay for this. Army of Two: Devil's Cartel feels like The Expendables in video game form. Two macho dudes shooting an insane amount of bullets at another macho dude while a hot woman shoots rockets into the sky. Explosions at every possible moment, and don't forget the sassy quips they say to one another while under fire. I absolutely want to try it, but don't take this shooter's premise seriously. Thanks to for the new look at AoT.

Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel
Xbox 360/PS3
Release: March 26, 2013
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Visceral Games, EA Montreal

Mass Effect 3 - Reckoning Trailer

Primes and Banshees and hammers, oh my!

It's been a while since Mass Effect 3 has been in any kind of spotlight, but this quick trailer is worth looking at if you're a fan of the finale. Reckoning is a multiplayer extension with some really worthwhile additions to races and weapons; almost all of which are shown here in less than a minute. The Geth Prime and EDI will easily get me back to defending the galaxy from the Reapers, but I forgot how much I hate those damn Banshees.

Mass Effect 3: Reckoning Multiplayer DLC
Xbox 360, PS3, PC
Out now!
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Bioware

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Playstation 4 Trailer Mania!

Damn, you pretty

With the announcement of the Playstation 4 during yesterday's press conference from Sony, we're going to start to see game announcements for the new system. Thankfully, many titles were shown off during the PS4's debut. Here are some of my favorite trailers from the presser:

Killzone: Shadow Fall - PS4 Gameplay Demo

The first thing you should notice during this gameplay demo is how smooth everything feels. The world is moving at a normal, functional rate around you... until it all goes to hell. The switch from calm to shooting at everything is surprisingly seamless, and the gameplay ran like a dream. We have a powerful machine on our hands in the PS4.

Killzone: Shadow Fall
Release: PS4 Launch
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Guerilla Games

InFAMOUS: Second Son - PS4 Debut Trailer

Sony going all in with their big guns, and who can blame them? InFAMOUS, along with Killzone, and Playstation faithful favorites, and they're looking really good right out of the gate. I'll be interested to see some gameplay and see what kind of chaos the PS4 can create, of course.

InFAMOUS: Second Son
Release: TBA
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Sucker Punch

Knack - PS4 Debut Trailer

Knack was easily my favorite trailer, favorite game, and most impressive showing for the PS4 all in one trailer. This basically looks like a major animation studio, ready for the big screen video game. If Knack can look just as good while you're playing it, then the PS4 has the potential to do some very special things in gaming.

Release: PS4 Launch
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Japan Studios

Monday, February 18, 2013

Destiny - Pathways of Darness Reveal

It's simply Destiny

Bungie is on to something here. The entire studio is dedicated to making Destiny happen, and that means a seriously awesome package will be put together. If you want an idea of the general premise, here's a description from the game's official site:

Everything changed with the arrival of the Traveler. It sparked a Golden Age when our civilization spanned the solar system, but it didn't last. Something hit us, knocked us down. The survivors built a city beneath the Traveler, and have begun to explore our old worlds, only to find them filled with deadly foes.
You are a Guardian of the last safe city on Earth, able to wield incredible power. Defend the City. Defeat our enemies. Reclaim all that we have lost.
Be brave.
This "Traveler" has given you incredible powers that it seemed to have possessed at one time or another. Character customization will be playing a big role as you go out and destroy humanities enemies to take back the Earth. Borderlands meets Halo? Whatever it is, Destiny already is looking like a title not to be missed. 
Xbox 360, PS3
Release: TBA 2014
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Bungie

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Relics of the Gree Trailer

Unravel mystery = hack with lightsabers

I'm glad to see that stereotypical television news propaganda existed a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. That's the best you can come up with, Bioware/EA? I figured the "this is a big deal but we don't want anyone knowing its a big deal" story line was below you. Then again, I guess with a game who has not lived up to subscription expectations needs to do whatever it can to get some people at the keyboards.

Interesting choice focusing on the Gree here; this is a species not usually mentioned in Star Wars lore. This is the first time the Gree will be rearing their tentacled heads for us to see, only having been mentioned in novels and the animated Clone Wars series. I am intrigued about what this new race brings to the table, other than being fodder for my lightsaber, of course. Also, it's important to note that this is an in-game event, no expansion required!

Star Wars: The Old Republic
Free to Play
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Bioware

Monday, February 11, 2013

God of War: Ascension - "From Ashes" Behind the Scenes

Spartans are people too!

Building a Spartan Army:

Spartans! Live action means you need people to make it happen, and here we see the man power (literally) going into this God of War spot. This is a great look at just how much work goes into making sure people know that this game exists. And the best part: they're just a fraction of the action.

Bringing Kratos to Life:

You can't forget about our main man Kratos! So remember: the next time you see a live action commercial for a video game, there are real people making it happen in real life, not on a computer.

Here's the finished product:

From Ashes:

Kudos, everyone. We've made it.

God of War: Ascension
Release: March 12, 2013
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: SCE Santa Monica Studio

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Crysis 3 - Momentum Trailer

Git 'yer bow, we're going huntin'

Does the term "sandbox shooter" get you as giddy as it gets me? Then you'll be in for a treat when Crysis 3 drops in just ten short days. If being able to wreck havoc with a compound bow isn't enough for you, just look at all the action packed into this trailer. Crysis hasn't let me down yet, and I'm not expecting this one to be any different.

Rock on, Muse.

Crysis 3
PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Release: Feb 19, 2013
Producer: Electronic Arts
Developer: Crytek

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Debut Trailer

What a mask!

Okay, so there isn't much going on here. Really all you see is a bloody mask and the fact that The Witcher 3 is, well, going to happen. But when you make such an excellent RPG experience with The Witcher 2, I guess you can do whatever the hell you want with your marketing campaign. I'm sure enough fans of the title got goosebumps just from seeing this. 

What we do know so far: Wild Hunt will be Geralt's last adventure, but it will be bigger than ever with an open world rumored to be larger than Skyrim's. CD Projekt Red has done away with Quick Time Events (thank goodness) and will be adding mounts and sailing to the fray. Keep an eye out for screenshots and gameplay over the coming weeks!

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Release: TBA
Publisher: CD Projeckt Red
Developer: CD Project Red