Thursday, February 21, 2013

Playstation 4 Trailer Mania!

Damn, you pretty

With the announcement of the Playstation 4 during yesterday's press conference from Sony, we're going to start to see game announcements for the new system. Thankfully, many titles were shown off during the PS4's debut. Here are some of my favorite trailers from the presser:

Killzone: Shadow Fall - PS4 Gameplay Demo

The first thing you should notice during this gameplay demo is how smooth everything feels. The world is moving at a normal, functional rate around you... until it all goes to hell. The switch from calm to shooting at everything is surprisingly seamless, and the gameplay ran like a dream. We have a powerful machine on our hands in the PS4.

Killzone: Shadow Fall
Release: PS4 Launch
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Guerilla Games

InFAMOUS: Second Son - PS4 Debut Trailer

Sony going all in with their big guns, and who can blame them? InFAMOUS, along with Killzone, and Playstation faithful favorites, and they're looking really good right out of the gate. I'll be interested to see some gameplay and see what kind of chaos the PS4 can create, of course.

InFAMOUS: Second Son
Release: TBA
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Sucker Punch

Knack - PS4 Debut Trailer

Knack was easily my favorite trailer, favorite game, and most impressive showing for the PS4 all in one trailer. This basically looks like a major animation studio, ready for the big screen video game. If Knack can look just as good while you're playing it, then the PS4 has the potential to do some very special things in gaming.

Release: PS4 Launch
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Japan Studios

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