Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mass Effect 3 - "Leviathan" DLC Trailer

Or: Shepard fights a sea monster this time

Don't take the sub head the wrong way: this DLC looks pretty awesome. I just find it funny that Bioware continues to create these ridiculously powerful beasts for Shepard to take down. But at least the story behind it seems compelling this time around. Much like the Shadow Broker DLC from Mass Effect 2, I'll be very interested to download and play through this extra bit of story from ME3. Oh screw it, just take my wallet already!

I think the whole "going to the bottom of an ocean in a mech" is the most appealing part of the DLC because it's the most different from anything we've seen in the Mass Effect series. It makes Shepard feel the most venerable because there's only a few inches of metal separating him from certain doom. Never give me the odds. 

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! Just finishing up ME2 now. Can't wait to get into 3. Love the blog. Keep up the good work!
