Sunday, June 8, 2014

E3 2014 Preview - The Trailers, Part 1

The time is at hand!

It's that magical time of year... E3 is almost upon us! With E3 comes a gambit of new trailers, and the Jockey is here for you. This preview will last over three installments, (a trilogy, if you will?) and be sure to keep your eyes out for more as the expo rolls on. So without further ado: part one of the E3 2014 Trailer Preview!

World of Warplanes - E3 Cinematic Trailer

I had the chance to try out World of Warplanes at E3 in 2012, and man was it fun. There's very few things quite like a good dogfighting sim. There's a ton of unique (and historically accurate!) planes to choose from, coupled with a pretty active community taking to the skies to duke it out. 

That said... what a dumb trailer. I get wanting your game to feel realistic, but now I just feel bad for the virtual widow in the picture floating down to the ocean. If your game is all about blowing people out of the sky, don't make me feel weird about it. 

World of Warplanes
Release: Out Now
Developer: Persha Studia/Wargaming

World of Warships - E3 Trailer

Now THAT is what I'm talking about! Give us action, give us destruction, give the people what they want! Yes, there is another quick shot of a picture buried in all of the wreckage, but at least it's not the center of attention this time. If Warships follows suit with Warplanes and Tanks, we'll have another goodie of an MMO on our hands.

World of Warplanes
Release: TBA
Developer: Lesta Studio/Wargaming

Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age - Announcement Trailer

Hunt is a third-person, four player co-op zombie slaying game made by the same people who brought you the visually stunning Crysis series. Add in a unique content generation system that guarantees that you never play a level the same way twice (ala Left 4 Dead) and you can bet I've already signed up for beta access.

Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age
PC, Xbox One, PS4
Release: TBA
Developer: Crytek

Gauntlet - E3 Relics Trailer

Harness the ancient power of relics and release hell upon the forces of darkness. This trailer actually shows a pretty staggering amount of enemies on screen at once, but this is another four player co-op adventure, and those moves did look pretty damn powerful. Then again, when I was capturing gameplay for the Diablo 3 trailer at last year's E3, we were on God Mode with unlimited mana. Hopefully this one plays like it looks!

Release: Summer 2014
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Developer: Arrowhead Game Studios

Dying Light - E3 Gameplay Trailer

Free running and zombie killing. Zombie killing and free running. Did I mention the free running? And the zombie killing? Excuse me, I have to watch this a million more times. Especially for when he pulls the heart out of a zombie. Or for the giant mutant zombie swinging a hammer like a helicopter rotor. Or killing a zombie with the people's elbow. Or for pretty much EVERY SECOND of the trailer. Dying Light needs to be on your radar. Good night, and good luck. 

Dying Light
PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3
Release: Feb 1, 2015
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Studios
Developer: Techland

Theatrythm: Final Fantasy: Curtain Call - E3 Trailer

This is basically a big 'ol love letter to the Final Fantasy series in the form of a timing-based combat system. Hit the correct buttons as they come across the screen in time with the music, and you do damage to your opponents. With more than 60 playable characters from the FF universe, this can appeal to both hardcore fans of the franchise and parents who want their kids to space out while they have "more important" things to do. I'd call that a win-win.

Theatrythm: Final Fantasy: Curtain Call
Release: Sept 16, 2014
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: indieszero

That's all she wrote for part one of the E3 2014 Trailer Preview! Luckily, there's plenty more where that came from, so be on the lookout for part two this afternoon. 

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