Tuesday, June 17, 2014

E3 2014 - Nintendo Press Conference Trailers

It's-a me! Nintendo! Remember me? Anyone? 

It's a silly question, really, because yes you should absolutely one hundred percent remember Nintendo. In a surprisingly strong online press conference a day after the "real" day of pressers, our long-time friends from Japan tossed twelve trailers our way in just 45 short minutes. While poor sales may be plaguing the Wii U, Nintendo has always held true in one fact: their first party titles are consistently excellent. E3 is the time to show us what is next, and this is what we got:

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - E3 Live Action Trailer

The kick-off to the fashionably late Nintendo press conference started with a new feature for a game that's been hyped a million ways to Sunday. Super Smash went Skylanders in this move, introducing a figurine that will place its character right into the thick of battle with you. Do I particularly like this move as someone who views Smash as one of the pure fighting franchises out there? Absolutely not. Will they make Nintendo some desperately needed profit off of those kids that "just have to have it"? You betcha. 

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Wii U
Release: Holiday 2014
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Sora Ltd., Bandai Namco Games

Yoshi's Wooly World - E3 Trailer

This particular trailer wasn't shown in the press conference, but they spent such a significant amount of time talking about Yoshi's Woolly World that it only felt right to include something. Yoshi + yarn will be a great equation for parents looking for games that can be played with the kids and by themselves. It's a classic platforming system with a twist that makes it feel new enough to warrant those on the fence to give it a try. 

Yoshi's Woolly World
Wii U 
Release: TBA 2015
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Good-Feel

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - E3 Trailer

Building upon the Captain Toad levels in Super Mario 3D World, Treasure Tracker is bringing its hybrid platform/puzzler format to the Wii U. Captain Toad must avoid bad guys, solve puzzles, and defeat bosses in order to find, well, whatever it is that he's looking for. I'd bet a sizable amount of money that it's treasure. 

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Wii U
Release: TBA 2014
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD Tokyo

The Legend of Zelda Wii U - E3 Trailer

If you want to skip the history lesson, jump to about 2:45. If you want to see some of the motivation behind the paramount features behind the newest Zelda, then you enjoy every second of this. Special note: I can't even come close to believing that this game will be called The Legend of Zelda Wii U. It has to be a working title while this bad boy is in development. 

That said, this looks good. Like, really good for a system that has yet to impress us with its visual prowess. And the biggest message to absorb here is that this Zelda will be taking place in an open world. Let that sink in for a moment. Whatever the title, I'll be looking very forward to seeing more on this game. 
*Top 5 Tuesday Nominee*

The Legend of Zelda Wii U
Wii U
Release: TBA 2015
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD Group #3

Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire - E3 Trailer

Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire are getting the 3DS treatment: new graphics and the visual style of the most recent pocket monster games. Aside from that and the 3D capability, there isn't much else new going on here. Never play this round of Pokemon or feel the need to see it again with a new body frame and coat of paint? You're in the right place. 

Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
Release: 21 Nov 2014
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Game Freak

Bayonetta 2 - E3 Trailer

I'm just going to be 100% open here and say that Bayonetta was never a game I ever really gave a second glance to. I've had my share of hack and slash titles, but this was one that really never appealed to any part of me. But if you like the series... this happened.

Bayonetta 2
Wii U
Release: Oct 2014
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Platinum Games

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - E3 Announcement Trailer

We see again a cool little tweak on a character and formula that we already know, this time involving the functionality of the Wii U remote as a main component of the gameplay. You can build rainbow bridges using your stylus on the Wii U remote touch screen, though they do seem to fade and disappear fairly quickly. Is this a power that comes from said Rainbow Curse? 

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Wii U
Release: TBA 2015
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: HAL Laboratory

Xenoblade Chronicles X - E3 Trailer

See: Bayonetta Trailer. Over the top, dubbed, and just not high on my list on things I'm interested in playing. It is worth saying that the trailers cater very specifically to fans of this type of game, since they're into that kind of whiney kind of drama. More shrieks = more emotion. 

Xenoblade Chronicles X
Wii U 
Release: TBA 2015
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Monolith Soft

Mario Maker - E3 Announcement Trailer

This is the kind of trailer you have one of two reactions upon seeing. The first: "How the hell are they just getting around to something like this now?". The Second: "How have I not CONSIDERED this before??" Sadly, I fell in the second group of people. Poor foresight aside, Mario Maker is a level designer's dream; they get to play with the game that set the first bar in impeccable level design. The feature that switches between the old and current graphics is a great one as well. Definitely looking forward to seeing people's creativity flourish creating new levels for Mario to traverse. 

Mario Maker
Wii U 
Release: TBA 2015
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo

Splatoon - E3 Announcement Trailer

What a wonderfully colorful and unique take on a shooter. In a market that is beyond over-saturated, Splatoon plans to make its mark by fighting over territory with paint, something that hasn't really been done before. My only concern would be replay value; will they be able to come up with enough game modes to keep the players involved? Or are they banking that the one game of "Paint the Most Area" will be the bread winner? Either way, I love the idea. 
*Top 5 Tuesday Nominee*

Wii U
Release: TBA 2015
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD

Super Smash Bros. - E3 Lady Palutena Trailer

Nintendo goes full circle in their finale, closing the show with the same game that it opened on. This time we have a character announcement (or two if you consider that little flash of Dark Pit) in the form of Lady Palutena from the Kid Icarus series. LP has appeared in previous smash titles, but never as a playable character until now. This feels like a serious service move, where fans of her series will be overjoyed while the rest of us scratch our heads and look up her wikipedia page. Sonic is already confirmed though, so I'm good. 

Super Smash Bros.
Wii U, 3DS
Release: Holiday 2014
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Sora Ltd., Bandai Namco Games

In Conclusion: Nintendo came out firing on all cylinders, and looked like they had some promising stuff on the horizon. Zelda specifically looks like a highlight, but that's nothing to be surprised at. Splatoon easily shows the most promise, but it will depend on execution and variety of content. Looking past that though, we only see platforming puzzlers, over-dubbed hack n' slashers, and a Smash Bros. game that might alienate some gamers with its roster choices. Nintendo needs some big ideas, and fast. 

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