Thursday, August 15, 2013

Grand Theft Auto V - Multiplayer Reveal

It's just like the Sims Online... with guns. 

Okay, maybe the multiplayer for Grand Theft Auto 5 isn't just like an online Sims port with guns. You can, however, do so damn much in the multiplayer, I wouldn't have been to surprised to see hunger and bladder stats in the bottom corner.

But seriously, I was blown away by how deep the multiplayer looks. It seems like there's a combination of cut scenes and open world online play, which is something I think will do nothing but draw people into the experience. My one gripe with the Red Dead Redemption online multiplayer was you were just dumped into the world and were told GO! In GTA V, it seems like those that enjoy floaties before diving into the deep end will hopefully be taken care of.

A vast number of the activities available to the player in the single player mode of GTA V made an appearance in this multiplayer reveal. Golf, bank heists, and full character customization are just some of the features that cross from solo to online. However, players will also be treated to team-style death matches, designable races, squad robberies, and much more!

I honestly wasn't expecting to be so impressed by the multiplayer in GTA V. Rockstar and multiplayer have not always gone hand in hand, as most of their games are so huge that the online often became an after thought. But it looks like all of the big guns are being take out for this title, and this open world experience keeps growing before our eyes.

Grand Theft Auto V
Xbox 360, PS3
Release: Sept. 17, 2013
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Developer: Rockstar North

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - Debut Trailer

O, Brother Where Art Thou? 

I have extremely high hopes for Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. This indie adventure has tastes of Journey sprinkled throughout it, with the focus on co-op in order to reach your goal. Only this time, you will be controlling both brothers at the same time, using each analog stick to control them.

The story is simple: your father is dying and the only thing that can save him is "the water of life", which you must retrieve by controlling the brothers. Simple, to the point, and with the power of the Unreal Engine, Brothers has the components to be the next great indie title.

But let's take a look at this trailer for a moment. First off, what is up with that horrible screeching wail being played over everything else? It was a very poor choice for music, while I understand they wanted to go for an "epic" feel I'm sure something less intrusive could have been found. We finally got a decent sized chunk of co-op gameplay for the last few seconds but it always leaves you wanting more.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
PC, XBLA, PSN, Steam
Release: Out Now! 
Publisher: 505 Games
Developer: Starbreeze Studios