Thursday, August 8, 2013

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - Debut Trailer

O, Brother Where Art Thou? 

I have extremely high hopes for Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. This indie adventure has tastes of Journey sprinkled throughout it, with the focus on co-op in order to reach your goal. Only this time, you will be controlling both brothers at the same time, using each analog stick to control them.

The story is simple: your father is dying and the only thing that can save him is "the water of life", which you must retrieve by controlling the brothers. Simple, to the point, and with the power of the Unreal Engine, Brothers has the components to be the next great indie title.

But let's take a look at this trailer for a moment. First off, what is up with that horrible screeching wail being played over everything else? It was a very poor choice for music, while I understand they wanted to go for an "epic" feel I'm sure something less intrusive could have been found. We finally got a decent sized chunk of co-op gameplay for the last few seconds but it always leaves you wanting more.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
PC, XBLA, PSN, Steam
Release: Out Now! 
Publisher: 505 Games
Developer: Starbreeze Studios

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