Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 - Live Action Launch Trailer

I laughed, I cried, I COD'ed. That sounds dirty.

Oh hey look, Halo and Call of Duty employed the same marketing tactics. Again. Okay, well not exactly the same, but they did release live action trailers directed by pretty famous people (Guy Ritchie in this case). Here's the difference: while Halo catered to the Halo fan, COD catered to, well, everyone that knows what a video game is. And much to my surprise, it totally works.

Everyone who has ever played COD knows that the online multiplayer is a total sh*t fest. You run around, shoot everything in sight, get killed from an unknown direction, respawn, rinse wash repeat. It's organized chaos, but damn do people have fun playing it. So why not try and market towards as many gamers as possible by making a trailer with big booms, big guns, and Robert Downey Jr.? It didn't take itself too seriously, and that will get people to line up for its release.

Oh, and FPS Russia FOR THE WIN. Good to see this guy getting some camera time outside of the youtubes.

Also, zombies.

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