Saturday, July 21, 2012

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance - Launch Trailer

Four More Years! Four More Years!

I fell in love with the original Kingdom Hearts just over ten years ago. It was the perfect combination of Final Fantasy and Disney, and I was enthralled from start to finish. Looking past the awkward Square Enix signature dialogue and wonky camera, I had found my favorite game until the sequel was slated for release. Enter Kingdom Hearts 2: Where the camera stuff was (mostly) fixed, action commands became just as prominent in combat as button mashing, and Aerith still had a really strange voice. Needless to say, the prospect of a third (and I assume final) entry to the trilogy interested me just a little bit.

But then we started getting different KH games. Chain of Memories was the start of it, a full length card turn based handheld title, where not playing the game technically didn't make you miss anything with the main story line. Instead of just doing one or two filler games for extra content, Square Enix kept pumping them out. Not only are we continuing to get handheld titles that convolute and confuse the gamers to what exactly is happening in the KH saga, but we don't even have a clue on when KH3 is going to grace our consoles.

That brings us to Dream Drop Distance, the newest title coming to the Nintendo 3DS. I got a chance to play the demo at E3, and I can solidly say that I no longer have any clue what is going on in this series. Donald and Goofy don't know who you are, you bounce around with a giant elephant and mouse, and the Hunchback of Notre Dame looks really strange in 3D. Whether you decide to confuse yourself farther with Dream Drop Distance is up to you, but if you're anything like me, you're quickly becoming very skeptical about how good KH3 could possibly be at this point. And that breaks my twelve year old heart.

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