Tuesday, October 22, 2013

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - Launch Trailer

Gentlemen, the situation is dire

I am going to play the ever-loving crap out of this game. Lego games have the uncanny ability to suck you in and make you want to find every unlockable there is. And there are a LOT of goodies to reward yourself with in these titles, so imagine the spoils when we dive into the Marvel universe.

As the trailer shows, we're not just looking at the Avengers here. The Fantastic 4, Spiderman, Doc Oc and other familiar Marvel faces will be gracing this LEGO title. That means each and every one of them will be playable (most likely) if you play the game for long enough. I really find their depth in what you can achieve to be the most immersive thing about playing.

But what makes all of the grinding for the treasure worth it is that it never for one moment takes itself too seriously. You use Lego's to create ways past obstacles.  Enemies fly to pieces when you punch them. The characters now even have dialogue, so we're going to get some fresh story as opposed to a retelling of a movie or Batman being silent. It's the kind of game that's really useful when you need to entertain a kid, but want to have fun playing yourself.

And what else you say? The good guys are gonna work with the bad guys! In a fun little twist, we get this picture showing us a slice of the characters you can play as:
Can you name them all?
That's a mark of a good trailer. Give the people what they want!

LEGO: Marvel Super Heroes
PS Vita, PS3, PC, 3DS, WiiU, Xbox 360
Release: Oct 22, 2013
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
Developer: Traveller's Tales

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Debut Trailer

So what am I excited for, really?

I have to start by saying that Spiderman (or Spider-Man in this case, I guess) is my absolute favorite super hero of all time. That's why it's so disappointed that they haven't made a good Spidey game since Spiderman 2 for the PS2. You would think, considering the streak of mediocre to down right atrocious releases, that Activision would want to pull out all of the stops and really get the people buzzing about this next attempt. It falls far short.

This is a short debut trailer, which means you only have so long to reel the player in. But all you want to show us is how this Spider-Man looks with a quick shot of him falling? No combat, no enemies that give any idea to the conflict of the story, and Activision is very adamant about promoting a "new and improved" Manhattan that just frankly doesn't look like a next-gen caliber city.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has big shoes to fill and has already stumbled out of the gate. Granted it only is 60 seconds, but purchases have been decided in far less time. Here are a couple things I didn't learn from the trailer that actually make the game sound kind of cool:

  • The ability to play not only as Spidey, but as Peter Parker as well
  • A morality system with Hero/Menace points
The Peter Parker thing alone deserved a shot in this debut trailer. It would have been something new that would have piqued some interest from gamers on the fence about another Spider-Man game. A missed opportunity. 

The Amazing Spider-Man 2
PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, WiiU, Nintendo 3DS
Release: Spring 2014
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Beenox

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Theif - Gameplay Trailer

Get your steal on

My goodness does this look fun to play. Stealth free running with fluid combat and weapons? That right there is what we call a big stinking heap of potential. The parallels to Mirror's Edge are obvious in the free running sections, but this new dark city and the implementation of using stealth and shadows to your advantages gives the formula something fresh to grow off of.

We get plenty of great looks at the first person action of Thief, basically being walked through a mission that will most likely be included in the game. It was good to hear a little bit of personality out of our main character Garrett, instead of the usual strong and silent types that come with these games. This is a strong showing for Thief, hopefully the finished product will come out even stronger.

PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
Release: Feb 25, 2014
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Eidos Montreal

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Humble Bundle - Nordic Games Humble Bundle Trailer

That's a whole lot of game(s)

You've got to hand it to the people at Humble Bundle; they've put together a great way to benefit both video game developers and charity while getting quality games out for rock bottom prices. They have a sense of humor too, showing their goofy side toting the trailer for their Nordic Games Humble Bundle.

But those shrieking angel-men are right, what more could you need? For any price, you'll be getting Supreme Commander (a pretty decent RTS), Red Faction: Armageddon (seriously, everything blows up in that game), The Guild 2, and Neighbours From Hell Compilation. Pay above the meager $6 line, and they throw in Darksiders II (I've heard good things), Painkiller: Hell and Damnation, ArcaniA, and SpellForce II: Faith in Destiny.

Just in case you weren't counting, that's 7 games if you can manage at least $6, part of which goes to charity. I believe that is what we call a win-win. This deal expires in just over a day, but there are deals every week along with the current Humble Bundle on their website.

The Nordic Games Humble Bundle
Steam, Windows

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Red Box Reviews - Rayman Legends

Fun, flamboyant, and a bit funky

Rayman Legends - Launch Trailer

Rayman Legends can be aptly described by each of those three f-words in the subtitle. From the first story level to collecting creatures that lay lums (Rayman money) like eggs, Legends was a blast. In the days where first person shooters and gun violence dominate the video game scene, having a light-hearted yet fast paced side scroller was a definite breath of fresh air.

Setting the Scene

Legends isn't exactly a complicated narrative: Rayman and his pals were sleeping for 100 years (what?) leaving the Bubble Dreamer to grow powerful again and capture all of the Teensies and Princesses of the land. So basically, the bad guys took all of the people, and you have to go rescue them. Got it? Great.

In addition to the main story worlds, you unlock throwback missions from Rayman Origins called 'Back to Origins', and online challenges that can also net you some cool prizes if you do them well. If you collect enough lums in a level, you unlock a scratch off ticket that either unlocks a little creature (catch 'em all!), another 'Back to Origins' level, or more lums. At certain Lum milestones, a new character painting will unlock for your use. Pretty simple and straight forward, there's a clear path to 100% if you're someone who enjoys beating a game to true completion.

Speaking of those F-words...

Still remember the subtitle? We've covered fun, but two areas where Legends really shines is in its flamboyantly colorful art and funky fresh music direction. Each world has its own theme, making no one area look the same. This really gives Rayman a certain freshness to it, even though the objectives of each level don't change that much, each world will provide a new and unique way of completing them. I especially loved the Mariachi world, where you were sprinting through pouring fire while leaping over guacamole bridges. Even the darkest worlds are very vibrant, each glimmering with that cartoony Rayman style that we've come to know.

The music is easily my favorite part of Legends. Even just sitting on the main world menu, you are treated to a pleasant ukelele tune with someone whistling lightly in the background. Going along with themes on each world, the music matches to suit. In that Mariachi world, you were exposed to classical guitar strums and light, fast drums.

As a bonus level at the end of each world, you unlock a musical level; your jumps and hits are timed perfectly with the music, which are recognizable tunes in the genre of the level's theme. For context, the first music level is a rock-fueled romp through a castle with every enemy you defeated in the world singing "Black Betty". These bonus levels were easily the best of the game, marrying the stellar music and art direction with gameplay.

But how does she handle?

We may have a beautiful game on our hands, but there is no mold-breaking happening when it comes to the gameplay or execution. Legends is an excellent platformer that handles really smoothly considering how quickly you need to press multiple buttons at once. At busier points of the levels with your magical green frog buddy that can seemingly do anything, you have to be sprinting, jumping, and hitting the frogs action button all within fractions of a second of one another. If you get it right, it's very satisfying. If you don't, you're starting over from the last check point. But there's no fun without challenge, right?

There can be some redundancy to the levels, especially when you get to the cutscenes with the evil Teensies that you are trying to defeat. There's always a sequence at some point where you chase down the bad guy fleeing on his hovercraft. You are essentially doing the same thing on every level: collecting captured Teensies and collecting as many Lums as you can. Luckily this is remedied a bit by very responsive controls and how differently each level is designed, but I started to lose a little steam when I was jumping from level to level right away.

This game is meant to be played fast: you die and have to observe where you went wrong in order to fix it and move past the obstacle. Lots of jumps string into one another, allowing the player to go stretches of the map without even stopping. And of course, there's always a Teensie or string of Lums to miss, so it keeps the player on their toes trying to match that combination of speed and finesse.

Final Thoughts

After the day with the game, I have three of the six main worlds clear, with a hand full of other levels and challenges completed. If I had kids, this would be a no-brainer for a buy that I could also enjoy on my own. But for now, I can see this as another rental so I can just finish out the levels.

Rayman Legends was an extremely enjoyable platforming game that I most definitely want to pick up again. However, I don't want to finish it because I am particularly compelled by the gameplay or the story. I want to see, hear, and experience every level that Ubisoft has crafted.

Play if you like: Fast paced platformers, art direction and music, completionists

Verdict: Rent Again

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Super Smash Bros. - Sonic The Hedgehog Trailer

The speed demon in blue is back!

Courtesy of Gametrailers.com

I wasn't worried that my personal favorite from Brawl, Sonic the Hedgehog, wouldn't be included in the new Super Smash Bros. on its way for the WiiU and the 3DS. I was petrified. Sonic focuses on what he does well: speed. He may not deliver the heaviest punches, but that little sucker is elusive and can pile a lot of damage on before you knew what even hit you. I'm excited to see what he can do on the new console!

Super Smash Bros.
WiiU, 3DS
Release: TBA 2014
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Sora Ltd., Namco Bondai Games