Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Watch Dogs - ctOS: Threat Monitoring Report Trailer

Hacker's delight

If this is where gaming is headed, then get me on board. Watch Dogs is a alternate universe Chicago where the Northeast blackout of 2003 is blamed on a hacker, prompting the development of ctOS, or Central Operating System. The system is a giant supercomputer that controls almost every piece of technology in the city where it operates. The game's anti-hero, Aiden Pearce, is followed by ctOS in this trailer while he takes down a mugger using a combination hacking skills, free running, and bullets. 

One thing about Watch Dogs, and other next-gen trailers for that matter, is how normally everything seems to function. You feel like you're truly in a city with this surveillance system, watching Pearce smoothly navigate through it without one hiccup. It's these technological advances that will take storytelling to the next level on the new generation of consoles. Hopefully Watch Dogs will be the first in a long line of new classics to come. 

Watch Dogs
PS3/PS4/PC/Wii U/Xbox 360
Release: Winter 2013
Publisher: Guillemont International
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft Reflections

Monday, March 25, 2013

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - Gameplay Reveal Trailer

Argh matey

I was actually waiting for a Captain Jack Sparrow cameo in this trailer. I'm apprehensive to get really excited about Black Flag because we all did the same thing with AC3 and most of us were really disappointed by the end result. So yes, the pirate ship warfare, different gorgeous cities and the opportunity to explore ancient jungle ruins looks awesome. Hopefully it will come without the gameplay frustrations and poorly crafted missions that have plagued Assassin's Creed throughout its existence. Here's to hoping!

By the way, I didn't think Ubisoft could create kill animations that were more brutal than AC3, but damn I was wrong. There are going to be some cringe-worthy kills in this game, and I mean that in the best way possible.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
PC/PS3/PS4/Wii U/Xbox 360
Release: October 28, 2013
Publisher: Guillemont International Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal

Saturday, March 23, 2013

PAX East 2013: Diablo III - Console Trailers

Fight evil from your home entertainment system

Lore of Diablo III Trailer

You read correctly; Diablo III is officially coming to PS3 (and PS4 once it is released). There have been three trailers released to promote Diablo's move to the big time, starting with the Lore trailer above. If you're new to the series or want a refresher on the story so far because it's more than just hacking away at demons, look no further.

Console Gameplay Trailer

Next up for you Diablo newbies is the console gameplay trailer, which features the five different classes you can kick evil's ass with. It only scratches the surface of the different abilities each class possesses, but it is a great look into what gameplay looks like.

Console Sizzle Reel

The sizzle reel is essentially the gameplay trailer cut down to one minute and shows all of the badassery  you'll be unleashing in Diablo 3. I like this move to consoles by Blizzard, and wouldn't be surprised if they found a lot of success on the PS3. These three trailers don't quite do justice to how big the game is, but it definitely makes it look like a lot of fun. That's half the battle, right?

Diablo III
Console Release: TBA
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment

PAX East 2013: DuckTales Remastered - Debut Trailer

Ah woo-oo!

If you didn't sing along with this trailer I seriously question whether or not you have a soul. Or a happy childhood. Jokes aside, the classic platformer is back in a big way with DuckTales Remastered. The best part? The entirety of the animated series cast came back to record the voices for the game. Including the voice for Uncle Scrooge, who is now 94 years old. That's dedication if I've ever seen it. 

DuckTales Remastered
XBLA/PSN/Wii U eShop
Release: Summer 2013
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: WayForward Technologies

Friday, March 22, 2013

PAX East 2013: Magic 2014 Duels of the Planeswalkers - Debut Trailer

Magic The Sexy and Edgy (Rock On)

I just saw an attempt at making Magic The Gathering sexy, hip, and edgy (ok maybe not full blown, but at least to a whole lot of nerds). Are they trying to make people in their 20's that still play Magic not feel bad about themselves? I say good try.

Still, I did have flash backs to fourth grade in my basement playing Magic during the two months I forgot Pokemon was a thing. Good times.

Magic 2014: Duels of the Planeswalkers
Release: Coming Soon!
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast, Inc
Developer: Stainless Games, Ltd

PAX East 2013: MechWarrior Online - Go Ballistic Trailer

Starting off with a bang

While this may not be more than a "Hey look! We have new stuff! Play our game! It's free! Please!?" from MechWarrior Online, it is a great representation of all of the cool stuff you can blow up in this free to play online shooter. I've featured MWO before (not too long ago actually) and it is a series worth checking out if shooting big ass guns is your jam. And who doesn't love new camo skins?

MechWarrior Online
Release: Out now!
Publisher: Infinite Game Publishing
Developer: Piranha Games

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Assassin's Creed 3: The Tyranny of King Washington - "The Betrayal" Debut Trailer

Man, that is a mouthful

So here's the thing that confuses me about what Assassin's Creed is doing. You have this amazing opportunity with the time period and a pretty intriguing alternate reality where George Washington takes over America as his own little monarchy. Why in the world would you suddenly be turning your main character into someone with mystical powers that turn him into an invisible eagle? Assassin's Creed is about being a human assassin... not a half eagle ghost. Call me narrow minded, but I feel like they could have done way better with this.

Anyhow, it will be interesting to see how this series continues to play out, and I am glad to see Ben Franklin getting a bit more play within the game. If you're a fan of the series, there's no reason to not extend the experience.

Assassin's Creed: The Tyranny of King Washing - The Betrayal 
PS3/Xbox 360/PC/Wii U
Release: Out now!
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sleeping Dogs - Year of the Snake DLC Trailer

Don't taze me, bro

Did Sleeping Dogs leave you pining for more underground police action? Fret no more, the Year of the Snake is here. Taking place after the events of Sleeping Dogs, a new threat has risen as the Chinese New Year approaches and Wei Shen quickly makes the transition from his newly assigned traffic cop role to stone cold mob killer once again. Look past the fact that a ridiculous amount of people were filled with bullets or blown up in this short trailer, and we should have a fun extension on the surprisingly impressive Sleeping Dogs universe. Crime never sleeps.

Sleeping Dogs - Year of the Snake DLC
PC/PS3/Xbox 360
Release: Out now!
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: United Front Games

Monday, March 11, 2013

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - Interaction Walkthough

See you in another life, brother

I'm actually amazed that no one has tried to pull something like 'Brothers' off before. The left analog stick and trigger control the big brother, while the right side controls the little brother. Each character has their own special personality which changes the way they interact with the environment and other people. Teamwork is the name of the game here as the brothers adventure to find the water of life for their ailing father. 

Innovation is the key word here: I don't think I've ever seen a successful game where you control two people at the same time with one controller, and I'm excited to see how this one turns out. Do we have another Journey on our hands? 

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Release: Spring 2013
Publisher: 505 Games
Developer: Starbreeze Studios

Friday, March 8, 2013

MechWarrior Online - Cicada 5 Trailer

Blow it up, blow it up real nice. 

Remember MechWarrior? If you don't, allow me to catch you up. MechWarrior puts the player in the cockpit of your own personalized war machine, and then you blow everyone up. The first MW released to DOS, Macintosh, and SNES back in 1989 and has spawned 14 sequels/expansions/spinoffs since then. MechWarrior Online is poised to be the 15th title and is currently in public beta for PC, so if you have the hardware go play this!

Oh, and there's also this mech (which I assume you have to unlock/buy through playing the game) called the Cicada that's basically the perfect horrifying hybrid of speed and firepower. Go get your XP grind on and start blowing up some machines!

MechWarrior Online
Release: In Public Beta
Developer: Piranha Games

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Remember Me - Story Trailer

Memory jackin'

I'm not really sure how to feel about this one. On the one hand, we have a third person action adventure (which are usually fun) with smooth and interesting combat in the battered streets of a dystopian future Neo-Paris. On the other, the entire premise is based around a 'memory bounty hunter' who can't remember who she is or why everyone wants to kill her. If you ask me, that story could go sour or be really cool; but I guess you'll have to wait and see for yourself!

Remember Me
Xbox 360/PS3/PC
Release: June 4, 2013
Publisher: Capcom